Jumat, 06 Januari 2012


Name of School         : SD Siliwangi
Subject                       : English
Class / Semester         : III / 1
Themes                       : Surroundings
Topic                          : Home
The meeting               : 1
Time Allocation         : 1x10 minutes (1 meeting)

I. Competence Standard
Understand written English is very simple in the context of school

II. Basic Competence
Reading aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation and grateful that involves: words, phrases, and sentences are very simple.

III. Indicators: Expressing Various Acts of Speech
1. Pronounce the words, phrases, and sentences properly and correctly
2. Read words, phrases, and sentences with the correct intonation
3. Reading aloud properly and correctly

IV. Learning Objectives:
1. Students are able to pronounce words, phrases, and sentences properly and correctly
2. Students are able to read words, phrases, and sentences with the correct intonation
3. Students are able to read aloud well and correctly

V. Teaching Materials

This is my house... there's many room in there like a bed room, bath room, dinning room, the kitchen, the den and the living room. And i have a garden to in my home.

VI. Learning Methods
- Total Physical Response
- Communicative Approach

VII. Learning Steps
A. Pre Activities (10 minutes)
1. Salute
2. Pray
3. Check for the presence of students
4. Apperception

B. Main Activities (40 minutes)

Teacher Activities

Student Activities
Time Allocation

        1.      Teachers talked about the state of the house while showing a picture of a house.
       2.      Teachers say the words or phrases that relate to the material.
     3.      The teacher gives examples of sentences that relate to the material.
      4.      The teacher gives the students a question relating to the sentence that has been given.

       1.      Students listen to a story that brought teachers.

         2.      Students listen and repeat words spoken by the teacher.

      3.      Students pay attention to the example sentences given teacher.
          4.      Students respond to questions the teacher.

2 minutes

2 minutes

2 minutes

2 minutes

C. Post Activities (10 minutes)
1. Summarize the learning activities
2. Providing Homework (PR)
3. Preparing material that will come
4. Farewell

VIII. A. Learning Media
1.      Picture

B. Learning Resources
1. Learning by Doing three works of pity K.E. Suyanto, et al.
2. Internet http://www.communication4all.co.uk/http/houseandhomes.htm
3. Teacher-made materials

IX. Assessment
1. Type of Assessment: Formative
2. Engineering Assessment: Oral test
3. Assessment Tool:
Read the sentences aloud.
1)        This is my house.
2)        My house is red.
3)        Next to my house is a park.
4)        There is a playground in front of the park.
5)        My friends and I like to play there every day.

4. Assessment Rubric: 

Aspects assessed (Introduce yourself)
Student can:
       a.       Pronounce the words, phrases, and sentences properly and correctly
       b.      Read words, phrases, and sentences with the correct intonation
       c.       Reading aloud properly and correctly
Student only:
       a.       Pronounce the words, phrases, and sentences are less precise
       b.      Read words, phrases, and sentences are less precise
       c.       Reading in a low voice





Headmaster                                                                                  Teacher Subject

Drs. H. SUPRAI, M. Pd                                                         DIAN BUDIANA, S. Pd
NIP. 130 685 564                                                                   NIP. 480 201 347

Download Lesson Plan SD Bahasa Inggris

Download Lesson Plan SD Bahasa Inggris

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